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Home\Blog\May 2010\Oil Spill Travel Updates from Perdido Key, Florida (Continued)

Oil Spill Travel Updates from Perdido Key, Florida (Continued)

The beaches in Perdido Key remain unaffected and are as beautiful as ever.  The only problem we have experienced as a result of the oil spill is negative media.  Many people are not getting the latest information on the spill or even have incorrect information, thus if you would like to follow this with us please use the official site of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Response and Restoration.  Scroll down to the bottom of the site to open the Trajectory Maps.  These maps are updated daily and have helped to reaffirm that it is business as usual here in Perdido Key and we have good reason to believe that it will remain that way.

In addition to the NOAA site, luckily, we have a proactive Chamber of Commerce and yesterday (5.13.10) they posted a new memo including a list of frequently asked questions concerning this event.  The page can be viewed at http://www.perdidochamber.com/news.  We have included similar information on the Purple Parrot Village Resort web site for guests who are staying in one of the free-standing two story bungalows.  And as a resource for all travelers to Florida, the state’s official travel site (visitFlorida.com) posts a daily Florida update to inform travelers of whether or not any of our coastline has been affected by oil – by the way, no impact has been reported.
Please know that it is business as usual here on our beautiful island and we have good reason to believe that it will remain that way.
JD Hallam

Published on Friday, May 14, 2010

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